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Protocols A group of Jews endeavors towards total domination of the blogosphere. |
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![]() Saturday, April 24, 2004 Blog your rabbi on Saturday night. Put up a post about the weekly sermon, and I'll link to it in this post. posted by Steven I. Weiss | 11:14 PM |Friday, April 23, 2004 Ham-fisted Holocaust satire brings hellfire down on student editor at Rutgers. The guy's biggest crime? There's nothing remotely funny about the cartoon.
The results are in from a major new study by the Higher Education Research Institute (HERI) at UCLA, titled "Spirituality in Higher Education: A National Study of College Students' Search for Meaning and Purpose." According to the release announcing the findings:
Thursday, April 22, 2004 Discussing his coverage of the Chovevei dinner a few weeks ago, SIW was taken aback when Gary Rosenblatt of the Jewish Week reminded Howard Jonas that yeshiva officials had "asked that his remarks be considered off the record". The post got me thinking: Are there any guidelines for when speakers at "public" events declare from the podium that their remarks are "off the record" or "not for publication"? Last month I was in Washington covering United Jewish Communities' Young Leadership conference. At a morning session on Iraq, a junior State Dept. official informed the room of about 60 people that his remarks were not for publication. Similarly, a former aide to NJ Gov. McGreevey recently spoke at a local synagogue at an event which had been advertised to the public. Again, he asked our reporter to put her notebook away. I posted my question to a journos' web site and got this helpful response from a "Karen Hill":
What to do when your message gets distorted by a newspaper? Blog it! Alex Chester authored an opinion piece on Israel's targeted assassinations for UPenn's Daily Pennsylvanian. Thing is, the version they printed was vastly different from the one he authored, something he pretty much accepts the blame for since he gave the editor a green light to do whatever the editor wanted, as Chester had a physics exam to focus on.
I'm almost positive I'm not making this up, but Heeb's Website now says that their blog is to arrive on May 15. Didn't I say on Tuesday that the same Website promised a delivery date of April 22 (i.e. today)? Yes, I did. And even that was sort of a post-dated claim, since the editor was saying in an interview that they already had a blog.
Get Religion summarizes the Madonna/Kabbalah issue. posted by Steven I. Weiss | 12:46 PM |On March 19th, Protocols reported a denial that Dov Zakheim had become Chairman of the Board of Chovevei; the same source has now confirmed that Zakheim has joined the board. posted by Steven I. Weiss | 12:43 PM |Am I a sell-out? That's the accusation levelled by g. in response to my post about my move: sell out. its probably not fair to call you that, since most people would do the same thing if they were in your position. but then again, most people dont rant and rave about the new wave of journalism: blogging and its inherent freedom.Of course, I struggled with this myself. Before I even wrote my first story for the Forward, and then the Jewish Press, and considered writing for other publications, I wondered if I would compromise my own commitment to showing the flaws in certain coverage, thereby bringing a more honest truth to the readers. But I did write for those publications, and I didn't compromise. Moving forward, I'm not sure exactly what freedoms I'll have in critiquing or providing coverage. While I was interviewing here, I was just as much testing for their responses as they were for mine, and they've passed with flying colors. The fact of the matter is that the Forward is the J-paper that brings the most credibility to the paper, according to many and according to just about every reasonable person of every political and religious affiliation I've spoken with. The Forward, surely, doesn't feel that it's buying my silence, but that it's buying my work ethic, my reporting experience, and my day-glo smile. I do think that there's a ton that the blogosphere brings to the J-journalism table, as I've said many times before, and I do think that the blogosphere can beat J-weeklies in many ways. That's why I demanded a blog as a condition of employment. We are still working on this medium, and we will continue to do so. One of the reasons I went to BloggerCon was to make the connections and have the discussions to figure out if I could afford to continue blogging and doing my work without the Forward staff position, and I found that I could; it'd be hard, but I could, much as I found a way to make my career on my terms. I made this decision fully aware that I could afford to walk away. My move shouldn't be read as a jettisoning of the blogosphere, but an endorsement of it. If we want to make this J-blogosphere thing work, we can, and we will. I'll have some final posts discussing what we can do, moving forward. The first, obviously, is to get us to do the legwork that Guest Andrew says we need to do. He's right. There are a number of ways that the blogosphere, with some collective footwork, can beat the J-weeklies. I made one suggestion for how this could go on Saturday night. The live-blogging and other reportage that I've done on Protocols over the past year could be done by everybody. As I've said time and again, the J-blogosphere has so much more potential here than the rest of the blogosphere, becaue the gap that needs filling is so much greater, and the ease of reaching sources is so much greater, as well. It's okay if you call me a sell-out; I'll understand. But I'll keep working, and I won't walk away from what we're doing here, in the J-blogosphere. posted by Steven I. Weiss | 11:03 AM | This just in from the David S. Wyman Institute for Holocaust Studies. A lot of folks don't realize that newspapers and magazines are able to say no to any ad, for any reason. Whether they should is another question. At my newspaper, I say no if the ad contains obviously fraudulent. libelous or misleading claims, if it is anonymous, or if the advertiser is clearly divisive or antagonist to the interests of my readership ("clearly" becomes my judgment call).
Wednesday, April 21, 2004 Tomorrow: 12:30 p.m. -- Italian foreign minister discusses Israel and Italian-American relations; Anti-Defamation League headquarters, 823 U.N. Plaza, 46th Street and First Avenue.posted by Steven I. Weiss | 10:28 PM | Hey there,
According to folks at the State Department, there will be no meeting of the 'Quartet' in Berlin as previously reported. Reuters reports that it is now expected to take place "next month." posted by Anonymous | 6:13 PM |SIW has invited me to be a guest blogger as he prepares to join my former colleagues at the Forward. A link to a column I wrote on J-weeklies and blogs sits at the top of the Protocols site, where I earlier described what I thought of the blogosphere as someone who has spent nearly all of his career in Jewish journalism, first at the JTA, later at the Washington Jewish Week, Moment, the Forward and now the NJ Jewish News (with stops at CLAL, the Jerusalem Fellows, and, yes, it's true, Public Citizen).
The letter so nice, they posted it twice. Joshua Lamm has a letter (posted twice) in what is still the current issue of the NYJWeek, responding to Howard Jonas' comments about the leadership of Yeshiva University written about by myself for The Forward and Gary Rosenblatt for the NYJW. Key grafs: A glance at Chovevei Torah’s Web site has the following item listed under the heading “Core Values”: “Promotion of Ahavat Yisrael in the relationship to all Jews and of respectful interaction of all Jewish movements.” Calling fellow Modern Orthodox Jews spineless and gutless is, to say the least, an inauspicious way of being true to the core values that Mr. Jonas claims to espouse.The "laugh at me" graf is the third, in which Lamm declares: Spineless and gutless and not caring about the world? YU sent a planeload of hundreds of students to Israel on the eve of the Scud war in 1991, and 645 YU students are now in Israel studying, even as the intifada rages around them. Did Jonas read the news reports of Yeshiva University students camping out at the office of the medical examiner for weeks after 9-11 lest a Jewish corpse remain unattended? Is he aware that most of the volunteer counselors at Camp Simcha, HASC and Yachad are YU students?Let's just say that pointing to work done for the Jewish community is an inauspicious way of indicating "caring for the world." Anyway, as it happens, there will be a letter from Weiss and Linzer in tomorrow's issue of the Forward (of course it won't be online, because letters to the editor of the Forward are, curiously, never posted online). Speaking of letters to the Forward, there were two notable letters sent earlier (which, again, were not online), one by Prof. David Berger, and one by Rabbi Kenny Brander of Boca Raton, Florida, whom I mentioned in my article as having been present. The letters take different approaches. Berger takes on the "shift to the right" issue, declaring that no such shift has taken place, then hedges by saying, "While the percentage of students with an ideological affinity for the more traditionalist yeshiva world is somewhat higher today, much of the supposed move to the right that Jonas and others have criticized reflects a deeper commitment to observance and learnin -- a development that any Orthodox Jew must applaud -- as well as the refusal to embrace certain innovations championed by elements of the Orthodox left." Now, the fascinating thing here is that in order to claim that YU is of a similar ideological position as previously, he resorts to claiming that the previous generation of Yeshiva University rabbinical students was lacking in observance. That's a pretty huge assertion, one that I'm not sure even Berger realizes he's making, as he glosses over it with qualifiers and other conditions. But the statement's still there. Brander's letter is less interesting, claiming that the focus of the story should have been the graduating class of Chovevei students and its accomplishments. It tries to insert some unity by saying that Rabbis Norman Lamm, Hershel Schachter and Mordechai Willig have visited his community, etc. His second graf adds a bit of a cute twist: The Forward neglected to focus on the fact that Rabbi Avi Weiss, the founder of Yeshivat Chovevei Torah, has always taught that one builds, not by criticizing others but by sharing a dream and working tirelessly to make it into reality.I guess we'll have to see what Weiss says in his letter. UPDATE: I've now been informed that, indeed, there will be no letter from Weiss and Linzer. It turns out I was given bad information by someone I previously considered a reliable source. I can never, ever trust that source again. posted by Steven I. Weiss | 4:02 PM | Cara call Protocols "the barley in the vast cholent sea of Jewish bloggers...it holds us all together and somehow makes us seem more substantial."
The most surprising thing about Adam Dickter's NYJWeek coverage of a Columbia University committee examining it's Middle Eastern Studies Department was that no one had scooped him. If the committee has, indeed, been meeting for months, it shows that Columbia's Spectator is doing a bad job of keeping its ear to the ground; a really bad job. Last April, Chris Beam did a pretty strong in-depth piece on the department and its critics. Of course, every other paper (and blog) that failed to get the story earlier is at fault, too.
Jarvis notes that among Webby Awards nominees for best news sites is Al Jazeera. And, I mean, why not? They get to angles that no one else does.
I'm just guessing that if Israel or the United States had killed alleged Al Qaeda members like Jordan just did, there'd be a whole lot of outcry. posted by Steven I. Weiss | 12:46 PM |Four "Middle-Eastern" youths get charged with a bias crime for harrassing a group of young men; at least, that's the more likely charge, as "yelling anti-Semitic slurs," the claim in the story's lede, is likely not a criminal act. It'd seem more likely that the following them around in a car and throwing bottles is what could be considered a crime.
Another flyer I picked up yesterday was a full-color postcard for Frumster, which includes pictures of some of the (thus far) successful couples.
- The largest, most successful Orthodox dating serviceOn the back, in quite large type, it screams: Maximize your prospects for succes...posted by Steven I. Weiss | 10:55 AM | Saw an interesting flyer for a preschool, Gan Eden, which advertises itself as "The American-Israeli Preschool in Manhattan." It lists nine of what I assume are curricular emphases: Science & Technology; Jewish Heritage: Arts & Crafts; Health & Safety; Social Studies; Sports & Physical Education; Reading & Writing; Eretz Israel; Emergent Literacy.
Tuesday, April 20, 2004 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. -- Reception celebrating American Jewish Composers in Classical Song, part of a nationwide celebration of 350 Years of Jews in America; Buckingham Hotel Patron's Lounge, 101 West 57th St., between Sixth and Seventh avenues, 2nd floor.posted by Steven I. Weiss | 6:04 PM | Josh "Suck My Crucifix Nipple Ring" Neuman ponders his existence before the hordes at MediaBistro. Some interesting moments result: We have a readership now of approximately 100,000, with 5,000 subscribers and a distribution of 20,000.Now how does that work? Jeff Jarvis was right when he said at BloggerCon that bloggers can beat old media at readership statistics. Two questions down from there, he basically declares Heeb's complete lack of uniqueness, then goes on to say that they're working on film and TV projects, and a very comical moment as he releases the whiff of a failed philosophy professor, declaring, "marketing is very philosophical to me." And then, of course, there's his quixotic response to the anger over his Passion spread: Yeah, where's the Catholic League when you need it?Where's Susan Blond? Get her a blog. Oh, and speaking of, Neuman claims in the interview, "we've got...a blog." In point of fact, they don't, but have the promise of one coming on the 22nd, authored by "The Masked Super Jew," promising, "Politics, entertainment, vicious celebrity-bashing, plus senseless rants, hot sex, stupid drugs, and over-powering rock’n’roll, Monday - Friday, right here at heebmagazine.com." It could be good, but I don't have my hopes up. posted by Steven I. Weiss | 4:16 PM | So after a couple months of waiting, back-and-forth, and discussion, I've been provisionally offered and have provisionally accepted a position at the Forward as a staff writer and (lightly-edited) blogger, and coming with that I have to give up Protocols. As to your immediate concern, don't worry, Protocols will still be around, still have the other Elders, and will have a slate of guest-bloggers to continue the discussion on Jewish issues that we've started here, at least in the short term.
A couple of days ago I received an urgent email from Chaim Dovid Zwiebel, Rabbi Labish Becker and Mordechai Biser of the Agudath Israel of America. It was an open memo to AIA?s constituents and friends in New York City urging recipients to call their city council member and Council Speaker Miller to urge the council not to adopt Int. No. 137-A, the "Equal Benefits Law." According to the letter, the bill calls for all entities that have contracts with or receive grants from the city to "provide benefits to the 'domestic partners' of employees on the same basis as they provide benefits to the spouses of employees." ...the bill is objectionable not only because it promotes the legitimization of immoral lifestyles, but also because it does not include an exemption for religious organizations that oppose 'domestic partnerships' for religious reasons. Many mosdos in our community would be affected by this bill, and our rabbinic leadership has authorized us to fight against its passage...it violates religious freedom. The accompanying letter to the city council says in part: Religiously sponsored organizations that contract with the city...would be bound by this bill...even if their religious tenets preclude them from formally recognizing domestic partnerships.The email was sent out with an attached letter to the city council and a list of city council members. I have pasted the original email and the letter to the city council in the comments section of this post. posted by Anonymous | 10:53 AM | U.S. officials will join representatives of the European Union, the United Nations and Russia in a special meeting seeking to rescue a U.S.-sponsored ``road map'' for an Israeli-Palestinian peace settlement, the Financial Times said, citing EU foreign policy chief Javier Solana.Initially, State Department officials were saying that Powell would not likely attend the OSCE conference on anti-Semitism (he did not attend last year). Only after Sharon's meeting with Bush, the Rantissi assassination and subsequent condemnation from Europe and the Arab world did word come from Foggy Bottom that the Sec State would be attending the conference... and then meeting with the other members of the 'quartet.' posted by Anonymous | 10:20 AM | Mubarak: Arabs Hate U.S. More Than Ever PARIS (Reuters) - Arabs in the Middle East hate the United States more than ever following the invasion of Iraq and Israel's assassination of two Hamas leaders, Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak said in comments published Tuesday.posted by Anonymous | 10:09 AM | Monday, April 19, 2004 First off, I apologize to protocols readers for my absence over the past few months. I've become somewhat of a nonentity on this site (some might view this as a cause for celebration) of late, and I have no excuse other than a focus on school. Of course, I have an exam in a day, so this might not be the best time to start blogging again, but I couldn't pass this one up (assuming no one's already reported it).
For those of you who haven't seen Kinja, it's basically a blog aggregator on the Web. I don't use it, because I don't think I'd find it awfully useful, but some readers -- indeed, other bloggers -- have, and by noting some of the site referrals in our hits, I've found the feeds they've set up. Here are some that you might find interesting:
Via EphShap, there's a cash-prize essay contest for 16-to-22-year olds on finding common ground among Jews and Christians. I'm a couple months too old to enter, but if any of our readers wants to win the "Current Events" section, here's a good tip: The Passion, a film that was expected to bring about division among Jews and Christians, only brought us closer, as we realized through our differences just how deep our similarities are.
"My height is God's punishment. My life has no sense." Those are the words of 8'4" Leonid Stadnik, of the Ukraine.
So now that I've vented my anger about the NYT story on Chovevei by Daniel J. Wakin, let's take a look at its other elements.
Orthodoxy demands a stricter interpretation of Jewish law than other branches, like Reform and Conservative Judaism. It calls for separation of the sexes in synagogues and some other places, and provides little role for women in synagogue ritual. Modern Orthodoxy is distinct from the more insular ultra-Orthodox world, which includes Hasidic Jews from Eastern Europe, who keep their separateness visible by having their men wear side curls and black hats.I strongly suggest that Chovevei adopt as their slogan the author's description of their school: "Where teenage girls giggle in the lobby as the earnest young men study ancient texts upstairs." The worst part of the article, something that you'd think you'd see done better in the NYT than your average J-pub, is the way that unanswered questions are strung together with irrelevant statements to make it appear as though the reporter got a source to respond when, in fact, he didn't. Take this example towards the end of the article: Some Yeshiva officials said they worried that the new school will draw away liberal students, upsetting the balance at Yeshiva's seminary. Others think Chovevei Torah it is just too liberal, with teachers who tolerate improper practices, like women helping to conduct services.You'll find several similar examples throughout. The author fails to answer any of his larger questions, and fails to sift through competing claims to come up with the truth. Are Chovevei talmudic studies less rigorous? Are Yeshiva University's counseling standards less rigorous? Reading the article, we don't know, and it's a shame that the author, who spent a lot of time on this story (it was originally expected to run just after the dinner, but was delayed, I'd imagine because of Jonas' comments), and had the institutional credentials to really sit on the sources until he got what he needed, failed to produce those answers and others. posted by Steven I. Weiss | 11:17 AM | Reminder: If you're not included in the J-blogroll and want to be, just drop me an e-mail. posted by Steven I. Weiss | 10:43 AM |I call bullshit on Howard Jonas. There'll be more to say about today's NYT story on Yeshivat Chovevei Torah, but on the second page of the Web version, we have this graf: At Yeshivat Chovevei Torah's first gala dinner, on March 28, Mr. Jonas was quoted by The Forward as saying that Yeshiva University had moved to the right because of the "gutless and the spineless in a coalition with the mindless and the senseless." Although several students at the dinner confirmed the comments, Mr. Jonas, in an interview from Israel, disputed using that language, but acknowledged he had criticized Yeshiva as moving to the right and suffering a leadership void. In a gathering of some fourth-year students, most agreed that attending an upstart school was risky. But they praised its intimate, open atmosphere and tolerance of dissent, aspects several said were lacking at Yeshiva University.Jonas here is challenging a direct quotation that I provided in my story for The Forward. His reported claim is absolute bullshit. I'm sitting here in Boston with the same notepad in front of me -- I've even still got the Papermate Felxigrip with which I took the notes -- and I have the fragment, "A combination of the gutless and the spineless in a coalition with the mindless and the senseless," precisely as it appeared in The Forward, and precisely as he said it that night. I'd started taking notes several minutes before that quotation -- once it became clear he was saying things that could be potentially newsworthy -- and have a number of quotations listed before that and after that. Within my notes, there are some parts in parentheticals and brackets to indicate when I wasn't able to get a complete quote; there are no such marks within the quotation in question. Gary Rosenblatt's account in the New York Jewish Week contains a partial quotation, just of the fragment, "gutless and spineless." I'll be writing the NYT about this. UPDATE: I've posted Treo photos of my notes. The quotation up close is here and the entire page, with pen alongside, is here. posted by Steven I. Weiss | 10:20 AM | Bill Cork has posted a chapter he's written on The Passion and blogging for an upcoming book entitled After The Passion is Gone: American Religious Consequences. Cork says it includes essays by "Jewish, Catholic and Protestant authors." I'm interested to know which Jews they chose.
It's been a couple of weeks since we noticed that the J-media had failed to inform its readership of the confusion that may result regarding the shift of Yom Hazikaron/Yom Ha'atzmaut to a day later. In the time since, I haven't seen any stories on the topic; have you? posted by Steven I. Weiss | 9:39 AM |So we all know that Madonna's not performing on the Jewish Sabbath during her upcoming tour, but Yada catches an angle that many have missed: The Roman Catholics are upset that the concerts will be taking place on Sunday. posted by Steven I. Weiss | 12:48 AM |Sunday, April 18, 2004 I'll have some more posts coming on the relevant aspects of BloggerCon to our little experiment here. One moment that was pretty interesting was during the conclusion, when Jay Rosen was asked to summarize the discussion he led on "What is Journalism?" One point he raised was how, in preparation for his session, he created a long post that repeatedly declared "Blogging isn't journalism, but..." He said at the conference that he didn't believe that preface, in fact that it was repeatedly contradicted by the arguments that he provided after the "but," and that he'd done the post as a "diagnostic test" to see how people would respond. He continued, noting the response to this post in the comments that repeatedly addressed the preface angrily.
Tomorrow: 11 a.m. -- The Simon Wiesenthal Center releases a report on terrorist and hate Web sites; New York Tolerance Center, 226 E. 42nd St.posted by Steven I. Weiss | 8:34 PM | The Jerusalem Post gets the story wrong on the JewWatch/Google issue. Says the second graf: Utilizing a cyber-petition and some clever HTML programming, a diverse group of Jewish activists, academics and even a US senator managed to replace the top spot with Wikipedia's encyclopedia, which two weeks ago held no rank.See, that's actually not true, becase while "clever HTML programming" and "a diverse group of Jewish activists" were responsible for the shift in the Wikipedia entry for Jew to a #1 Google search ranking for "Jew," in no way were any of the other parties responsible. The petition did nothing, the PR machine did almost nothing: The only party responsible for the rise in the Wikipedia entry's ranking is the group of bloggers that aligned with Jewschool's Dan Sieradski in a Google-bomb effort. The only potential benefit that any one else can claim to have brought to the table is that of increasing awareness of the Joogle-bomb effort, but even then, the contribution would have been extremely minimal, as most of the bloggers who would've assisted in the effort would have heard of it from JewSchool anyway. So why is the Jerusalem Post so insistent on getting the story so wrong? Look at the last part of that graf, declaring that the Wikipedia entry, "Two weeks ago held no rank." That's extremely unlikely, nearly impossible, and I'm tempted to say it's outright wrong, but I don't know for sure -- note the difference in my willingness to assert that which I don't know relative to idiots like Michael Mylrea, who wrote this story. There might be some conscious reason why the JPost got the story so wrong. More likely, it's just because they can't do a decent job. posted by Steven I. Weiss | 5:24 PM | With Rantisi dead, Hamas is holding their cards close to the proverbial (suicide) vest. Speculation is that the organization has already named a new leader but is trying to keep it quiet lest he, too, be immediately targeted by Israel.
"Wow. Boom. Rantisi's dead." That's Allison Kaplan Sommer's reaction to the assassination.
Allison Kaplan Sommer is a bit unnerved that she wasn't mentioned in the Ha'aretz article on Anglo-Isra-blogs, and hey, she's right to complain. AKS does a great job, is one of the most important Anglo-Isra-blogs, and I made sure to mention her in my e-mails to the story's author (so I'm off the hook).
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