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Protocols A group of Jews endeavors towards total domination of the blogosphere. |
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![]() Saturday, March 06, 2004 Purim really is a magical holiday -- even the news takes on the sense of schtick:
Neumann sent his son, Dr. Jeffrey Neumann, to round up 20 bags of ice at local dépanneurs.Damned straight! I always threaten uppity janitors with local depanneurs. (Thanks, Yuter) posted by Steven I. Weiss | 10:45 PM | Friday, March 05, 2004 Hilarious Passion bloopers. (via Jewschool) posted by Steven I. Weiss | 12:19 PM |Ugh. More domestic violence against Orthodox Jewish women. EphShap notes that Wil Cordero recently married an Orthodox Jewess.
Jewschool posts the first of what is intended to be a weekly J-comic called Shabot6000, by Ben Baruch, a direct descendant of the Vilna Gaon. posted by Steven I. Weiss | 12:05 PM |A reminder that my AOL address will soon expire and that the e-mail address linked on the right is the best way to reach me. At least for the time being, I plan to keep my current AIM screen name. posted by Steven I. Weiss | 11:46 AM |Eurotrash sends in a link to Ten Plagues Finger Puppets; order them in time for Passover! posted by Steven I. Weiss | 10:15 AM |Update to Elder I.'s post:
March 5, 2004 -- The number of anti-Semitic incidents in the city jumped during the last three months of 2003, reaching the highest point in three years.posted by Anonymous | 9:54 AM | Poll: Majority of Israelis Want Sharon to Quit JERUSALEM (Reuters) - Battered by multiple scandals, Prime Minister Ariel Sharon suffered a fresh blow on Friday when an opinion poll in Israel's biggest newspaper showed that for the first time a majority of Israelis want him to quit...Expect Sharon to move to the left, withdraw from some of the settlements, force the extreme right to pull out of the government and forge a new alliance with Labor. posted by Anonymous | 9:48 AM | Today: 11 a.m. -- Congressman Anthony Weiner releases new hate crime data showing spike in NYC anti-Semitism incidents; in front of the FBI New York headquartersposted by Steven I. Weiss | 2:29 AM | Thursday, March 04, 2004 Criticism notwithstanding, the ADL is unrelenting in its campaign against the Passion. Check out today’s press release accusing groups of using the Passion “to further their own agendas.” The irony in that is self-evident.
Forward: American-Arab Anti Discrimination Committee Requests Dictionary Change "Antisemitism". The current entry on antisemitism reads as follows: "1) hostility toward Jews as a religious or racial minority group, often accompanied by social, political or economic discrimination (2) opposition to Zionism (3) sympathy for the opponents of Israel.”posted by Steven I. Weiss | 4:00 PM | Allison Kaplan Sommer announces her belated blogoversary and has had a few interesting posts leading up to it, including a look into the sleazier side of the Ariel Sharon/Tannenbaum scandal, and the announcement that she's pregnant. She gives us so much. posted by Steven I. Weiss | 3:54 PM |OU.org, the site of the Orthodox Union, doesn't provide a calendar of relevant times for anything other than Sabbath candle-ligthing and conclusions. So, on a fast day like today's Ta'anit Esther, we're left searching for other resources; that seems like something the OU should be on top of. posted by Steven I. Weiss | 2:15 PM |Rabbi Hershel Schachter on the cardinals in the Yeshiva University Beis Medrash. He doesn't address the issue directly, and this is to the fault of whatever point he's trying to make. The seeming implication is that those not believing in the validity of the Jewish faith in specific ways should be unwelcome in Jewish prayer and study halls: When King Solomon built the Temple, he welcomed non-Jews to come to pray[29]. But only provided they came “for the sake of your name”; and only provided they subscribed to the concept of “bechiras Yisroel”, which the Temple represented. A non-Jew who does not believe in the Jewish G-d, or who does not recognize our status as “am hanivchar” is not invited to come.The thing is, qua Vatican II, I'm not sure that a group of cardinals would be disqualified. (Thanks, Chaim) posted by Steven I. Weiss | 1:46 PM |
WJC Tour Offers Crash Course in Judaism, my latest for the Forward. It discusses the whole YU/Cardinals scandal as well.
While the Forward quotes Rabbi Prusansky as having called him a rodef, the Jewish Week – in one of its half dozen (!?) articles on the Passion – tries to show the human side of Abe Foxman’s struggle with the Gibson film.
Yuter posts more on the halachic implications of the Sunday bris situation. I imagine it's not as big a deal as it could seem to be; simple math would make it more likely that circumcisions delayed for health reasons are more likely to fall on Sunday (since Saturday's the only day you're not allowed to do one, Sunday would get two days' worth). And, again, once you're dealing with various health implications, you've got a whole lot of subjectivity weighed in.
An NYT story on circumcision caused something of a stir this morning. The article features some certainly quirky errors (it provides two potential pronunciations for "mohel," neither the actually correct "MOH-hel"), but the most controversial element was this passage featuring a seeming permission on the part of Rabbi Adam Mintz for postponing a bris to Sunday: Rabbi Adam Mintz, who describes his congregation of 900 families at the Lincoln Square Synagogue on the Upper West Side as "modern Orthodox" and is president of the New York Board of Rabbis, said he doesn't think the world will end if a bris is postponed for the sake of the party. "Any mohel will tell you Sunday is the most popular day, and even among the Orthodox, people are choosing the date that's most popular," he said. "We have an in-house caterer, so 90 percent have it at the synagogue and 10 percent have it at home."Mintz sent out this e-mail earlier today; I'd received it second-hand, but waited until I received confirmation from him that he had, indeed, written it: I wanted to take this opportunity to apologize for the implications of my quote in the New York Times this morning. As you have probably guessed, as part of a longer interview, Alex Witchell asked me why Sunday has become a popular day for brises even among the Orthodox. I proceeded to explain to her when we allow for the delay of brises and the fact that the custom has developed, at least in certain circles in America, to be more flexible when rescheduling a delayed bris. Therefore, Sunday is often the day in which these brises take place.So, basically, premature, jaundiced, or otherwise not-immediately-bris-able babies, for whom the date of the bris is a pretty subjective matter to begin with, often have their brises on Sunday. That's not a very controversial assertion by Mintz, but lacking that context it certainly would be -- and is, in the NYT. Doubtless, his e-mail won't reach all circles and there'll be those who read the article without the proper context and think poorly of him as a result; kinda sucks for him. People who don't understand the religious implications of what they're reporting need to get better prepared; these kinds of errors are extremely rare in political reporting, because there's an understanding of the implications of a partial quote (observers claim bias, not simple error, when a half-quote is used in political reporting). Of course, what's hilarious about this is that Mintz finds himself apologizing for the reporter's taking the quote out of context. posted by Steven I. Weiss | 12:12 AM | Wednesday, March 03, 2004 The famous conservative columnist Mark Steyn is taking Benyamin Cohen to task for the latter's review of The Passion. He basically objects to the premise of Cohen and Dowd that the movie could generate a violent anti-Semitic incident. I'm highly inclined to agree with Steyn. However, there's a really creepy example of stereotyping when, in characterizing Dowd's and Cohen's arguments, he writes: But I reckon Dowd and Cohen are faking it. They don't mean that, thanks to Mel, Times marquee columnists and liberal Jewish New Yorkers will be rampaging around looking for Jews to kill, they mean all those rubes and hicks in Dogpatch who don't know any better will be doing so.Without adopting the actual meaning of Steyn's words, I'd say Cohen is more likely to be comfortable with "all those rubes and hicks in Dogpatch" than as Steyn characterizes him, as being among "liberal Jewish New Yorkers." Cohen is from Atlanta, very committed to a sense of being outside- and at times even anti-New York, and while I suppose he's liberal in some senses, he's quite conservative in others (especially theologically). So, what does this make Mark Steyn? I'm not sure, but it doesn't look pretty. Any time you seek to counter the argument that anti-Semitism is in play with an anti-Semitic stereotype of your own, you come off as, well, stupid, for starters. posted by Steven I. Weiss | 4:51 PM | World Council of Churches: "Israelis Committed to Peace and Human Rights." But oh, wait, they're only talking about a couple hundred Israelis at best who monitor the checkpoints. posted by Steven I. Weiss | 4:19 PM |Tikvat Yisrael is a planned "new type of Jewish community on Manhattan's Upper West Side," featuring three different minyanim and community events held together. The organizers are: Founder and President:Uri Cohen. Committee:Rachel Brown, Andrea Brustein, Abi Dauber, Michael Firestone, Jason Herman, Ira Hofer, Amara Levine, Eli Sacks, Steven Schwartzberg, Rachel and Joel Siegel, Stephen Wind. Special Thanks to Tamar Rosenberg.Some of those names are familiar, some aren't; surely all will be in the future. posted by Steven I. Weiss | 2:49 PM | Rabbi Yaakov Feldman, author of several books, has a blog. It's interesting that as a published author, one of his first acts as a blogger is to engage in blatant copyright infringement by copying-and-pasting an article from Commentary. Either way, let's see what comes of his blog; rabbinic blogging will continue to grow. posted by Steven I. Weiss | 11:30 AM |HasidicReggae.com, the site for Mattisiyahu, is up. Designed by Mobius of Jewschool fame. posted by Steven I. Weiss | 11:17 AM |Tuesday, March 02, 2004 Kudos to Jim Davila for pointing to this article in the Guardian, which lists some useful Aramaic phrases for theatergoers who still haven't seen the Passion, or are heading back in for a second or third taste of gore.
Spreet mets'aayaa deelaak huu. [Or, if addressed to a woman, Spreet mets'aayaa deelek huu!]And: Een, Yuudaayaa naa, ellaa b-haw yawmaa laa hweeth ba-mdeetaa.posted by Anonymous | 4:16 PM | Volokh on a court decision on same sex marriage as compared to prior court decisions on interracial marriage.
"What's more, though Loving did rest partly on the formal race-consciousness of bans on interracial marriage, it also stressed what was obvious to all the participants in the case: Bans on interracial marriage, like segregated restrooms or segregated schools, were part of an attempt to maintain white social and legal supremacy. Limitation of marriage to male-female couples is not an attempt to maintain the supremacy of any one sex. (Yes, I know that people have argued that it is, but I don't think that's right.) They are, to be sure, attempts to maintain the social and legal supremacy of heterosexuality over homosexuality -- but the Supreme Court has never held that sexual orientation discrimination is generally like race discrimination, nor should it (in part for the reasons given in the first half of this post)."posted by Anonymous | 4:02 PM | When I saw this product at the YU Sforim sale, I thought: "Goody! A simple way to learn the methodology of extended metaphor!" Then I realized that the "e" in "trope" in the product's title is imaginary. Damn. posted by Anonymous | 3:45 PM |Stress Of Being A "Goylfriend" Tough To Bear. (via Jewschool) posted by Steven I. Weiss | 3:43 PM |British Methodists try making an 11th commandment to recruit youngsters. New-agey types take note: apparently, those guitars will only sell your religion so long before you need to go and open up your canon. posted by Steven I. Weiss | 3:41 PM |Oh, I get it...the ADL isn't just around to fight bigotry, but it's a Catholic authority, too! No, no, this has nothing to do with the crusade against The Passion -- it's a crusade against Heeb! That's right, our favority nutty anti-anti-Semites have found some new people to be against: faux-hip Jews!
"Heeb Magazine's irresponsible attempt at parody is deeply offensive and blasphemous to both Christians and Jews," said Abraham H. Foxman, ADL National Director. "There is a point when parody crosses the line into tastelessness. With this issue, Heeb not only crosses that boundary but engages in highly destructive anti-Christian themes that are both insensitive and ill-timed."Uhh...hmm...gee...ahh...I dunno, Abie. Sounds like he's a bit out of touch with that whole religious doctrine thingie. But that's not the only thing he's out of touch with -- he doesn't understand youth culture, either! From the magazine's debut in January 2002, ADL has expressed misgivings about the magazine's attempts at irreverence, including the use of an ethnic slur as a name.[Insert standard post-modern quote about getting past labels and claiming language for ourselves.] Of course, it's never too late for the pot to call the kettle someone who breaks down interfaith relations: In a letter to Heeb Editor-in-Chief Joshua Neuman, the League said the winter 2004 issue confirms those earlier concerns. "For us, it is no more acceptable to be anti-Christian than it is to be anti-Jewish," Mr. Foxman said in the letter to Heeb. "Coming at a time when a major motion picture is threatening to turn back the clock on decades of positive interfaith relations, your magazine's irresponsible attempt at parody has done a great disservice to the Jewish community."Certainly, the magazine does set us back...but is it really at a time when the movie threatens to harm those relations more than, say, the idiotic protests against it? Bullshizzle Foxmizzle! posted by Steven I. Weiss | 3:01 PM | BloggerCon II is on the Jewish Sabbath. And this doesn't seem like the kind of thing one can attend and not worry about transgressing any laws. posted by Steven I. Weiss | 10:58 AM |A petition has gone up regarding the chaplain/director of Columbia/Barnard's Hillel, Rabbi Charles Sheer.
Monday, March 01, 2004 In the Hey Folks, at the End of the Day It's Just a Mel Gibson Movie" Department: ROME, Georgia (AP) -- Tickets at one movie theater screening Mel Gibson's "The Passion of the Christ" are being deemed decidedly unholy.Of course, there had to be one in the crowd: Several patrons have made comments about the numbers, and one person who was uncomfortable having 666 on her ticket asked for a pass to be substituted for a ticket.Maybe we should chalk it up to the fact that in addition to having killed Christ, the Jews also run Hollywood... posted by Anonymous | 4:13 PM | A great bit of context to understanding Alisa Solomon, co-editor of Wrestling with Zion (the subject of a fizzled book discussion), is that she wrote the Village Voice's endorsement of Dennis Kucinich. posted by Steven I. Weiss | 2:26 PM |Ami Eden has an interview with Roy Moore in which the former Alabama judge declares his non-support for Bush's proposed anti-gay-marriage amendment. His reasoning is that the amendment would trample on states' rights. "I don't think you can make a constitutional amendment for every moral problem created by courts that don?t follow the law of their states," said Moore, who is currently waging a legal appeal to get his chief justice job back. "If you do, you pretend to do what God has already done and make it subject to the courts. I think it's a problem to establish morality by constitutional amendments made by men when the morality of our country is plainly illustrated -- in Supreme Court precedent and in state-law precedent and in the common law -- as coming from an acknowledgement of God."Subsequent to reporting this, Eden found that the Weekly Standard had included a sentence about Moore's position on the amendment in their March 1st issue. posted by Steven I. Weiss | 1:41 PM | 2 p.m. -- The Coalition for Jewish Concerns - Amcha denounces Loews Theater for showing Mel Gibson's ``The Passion for the Christ''; Loews Theater, 84th Street and Broadway.Duhhh...it took them a week to figure out that they could not just protest, but denounce the theater as well? And what's with the 84th Street Loews? Is every other theater exempt from their wrath? posted by Steven I. Weiss | 12:23 PM | Gregg Easterbrook ponders the implications of our potential solitude. posted by Steven I. Weiss | 12:13 PM |Today: 10:30 a.m. -- Ari Halberstam's family holds memorial service on the Brooklyn Bridge on 10-year anniversary of gun attack that killed him and wounded othersposted by Steven I. Weiss | 11:01 AM | Passion Grosses More than $117,538,000 in Opening Days
Against the Grain has a roundup of Christian bloggers' responses to The Passion. posted by Steven I. Weiss | 9:20 AM |Funky. Get the Jastrow in Pdf (Volume 1, 2), at what looks like a pretty cool resource. posted by Steven I. Weiss | 5:58 AM |Something notably missing from yesterday's New York Democratic Primary debate: Pandering to Jews! What gives, we're not worth a gratuitous reference these days? What do we look like, chopped liver? I propose a redo, with the Elders presiding. Here are some questions we'd like to see:
Elisabeth Bumiller: Congressman Kucinich, how much Jewish support do you expect to have?posted by Steven I. Weiss | 5:51 AM | Last week, NJJN Editor Andrew Silow-Carroll sent in a link to OpinionJournal's roundup of Passion reviews. ASC writes: Wall Street Journal Online puts an oddly positive spin on its roundup of "Rassion" reviews, saying the film "drew an ambivalent response from film critics. Quite a few reviewers expressed admiration for Mr. Gibson's drive and the intensity of the production, but many felt the film's unrelenting gore overshadowed its spiritual or artistic purpose."posted by Steven I. Weiss | 5:37 AM | Discordia is a film about the Netanyahu protests at Concordia University; I'll have a copy soon. posted by Steven I. Weiss | 5:27 AM |I'm getting to this story late, but, hey, so did the Forward! End the Madness as current trend, when in fact it's actually found itself hanging on to a culture of whining and dating that is just so passe. Reading the article, all of the examples given do seem very 2002, or earlier, as the backlash against trends like separate seating at weddings has already been around for a bit. posted by Steven I. Weiss | 5:26 AM |ALL PASSION! ALL THE TIME! Twelve -- that's right, twelve -- stories over at Jewsweek. posted by Steven I. Weiss | 5:19 AM | |
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